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Marsigliese with variable pitch

Marsigliese Roof Tiles

Product Availability: In stock

This is the most traditional tile and it has been used for more than half a century in all types of industrial and civil construction work.
It is recommended even today because of its reliable shape, easy laying and low cost.
The new Marsigliese with variable pitch has been especially studied to be suitable to the rearranging of old roofing.
With shipment USPS for $0.00
With shipment DHL for $0.00
With shipment Fadex for $0.00
(0% Discount)
Technical Data

N0/m.sq = 12.7

Weght kg. = 3.0

Pitch cm. = 36.5

Minimum sloping advised = 35%

Contact & Support

13 Panagron, 2540, Industrial area Dali,
P.O. BOX 13760, Nicosia, Cyprus

+357 22499389

+357 99652441